Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Sounds I Hear

I am sitting here in our office trying to get some work done, but am distracted by the noise coming from my living room.  I hear the sweet cooing of Miss Violet, who is just about 2 months old (Feb. 6th) and still just as easy going as can be. She started day care this week and all reports were glowing! :)  She has flashed us a few big smiles and boy is she cute!

I hear the whining voice of Gideon who will be turning 2 years old on Saturday (Feb. 5th).  He is still recovering from his first ear infection which presented him with a fever of 105!  Poor little guy could barely walk he was so sick. In the mist of his sickness I shared with my mother that I would give anything to have him be well and throwing a temper tantrum, so his whining voice this morning is music to my ears!  There is nothing worse then seeing your baby sick.

Finally, I hear the roaring and crashing of plow trucks as they bomb up and down our street and think how lucky I am to have Kenny home today!  I am lucky to have Kenny, period!  He is an amazing daddy who doesn't shutter at the thought of a trip to the grocery store with two kiddos. He is an amazing husband who encourages me to take time for myself to work out (I think he knows now how unbearable I can be when I don't exercise regularly), and to top it all off,  he makes beautiful dinners every night!  Boy, I have it made!

All in all, life is good!

Friday, January 7, 2011

One Month Old

It is hard to believe that it has already been one month since we welcomed our beautiful Violet Kathleen Walters to the world!  Is it possible to have been blessed with TWO angel babies?! YES IT IS!!  So far Violet is just a dream and her big brother Gideon appears to be quite the fan!  :) 

Although I have enjoyed my time home, I am planning on heading back to work early for a couple days a week until I officially start back on January 31st.  I am SOOOO looking forward to getting back into a REAL routine...I thrive on structure! I am in awe of stay at home mom', it must be the toughest job on earth!

We are also busy planning Gideon's 2nd birthday celebration!  We will be having it at the Peekaboo Center in Westbrook and have invited family and our very closest friends (and their little ones, of course). It is impossible to imagine our lives before our children...we are blessed!

Our TWO adorable children!

Mr. Gideon posing by our Walmart version FAKE Christmas year we'll go back to the real thing!

Christmas 2010